A Success Story in Spain

Revista Portugalglobal, the official magazine of AICEP – Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal, recently highlighted Banco Finantia Spain as a “success story in the neighboring country” on its February 2021 edition. Portugalglobal specializes in current economic and business activity news, especially those regarding the internationalization of Portuguese companies, exports and investments in Portugal and abroad.

In this edition, Banco Finantia is described as a “specialist in Private Banking and Corporate and Investment Banking”, providing simple and transparent solutions through personalized advisory to its Private Banking clients, as well as securing financing, investment and advisory solutions for companies and other institutional clients. Its strategy for the Spanish market is based on the local presence, advising both Portuguese companies looking to expand their activity to Spain, as well as Spanish companies looking to invest in Portugal.
Banco Finantia Spain "stands out for being an independent advisor that combines deep local knowledge with extensive international experience, specializing in cross-border transactions, namely in mergers and acquisitions of companies".

See the full article here.

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